Tēnā koutou katoa!
Greetings everyone and welcome to our website!
We thought it was time to give the public an inside look at Tāne Mahuta Forestry Ltd and the work that we do. We are a Maori owned business that uses kaupapa Maori in our mahi(work) and ākoranga (learning). It is with this we are able to have a close connection to the whenua (land) and all our kaimahi (staff). We wanted to share the Maori aspect of our business which has over the years been a large contributor to our success, by giving this insight to the public, we hope to inspire people all over the world in our industry and others to consider the land's indigenous culture's practices when it comes to running a business.
In addition, we have also made this website for our kaimahi as a place to review who we are as a company and have discussions inside our staff area. In the current climate of Covid-19, it is important for us to have a space where all communication about learning and theory is recorded and can be referred back to by all our ākonga (students).
Have a look around, learn more about our business and if you have any questions for us or would like to know more send us a message on our contact page, or subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates!
Nau mai, Haere mai
Tāne Mahuta Forestry Ltd